Visual Art Challenge:
Create the “revolutionary” new product that is most likely just another scam. Create your new product advert filled with misinformation and lies!
Writing Challenge:
Write some marketing for your new product or write a dishonest or honest review of this fictional product.
Music Challenge:
Create a jingle for a 50's style ad or incorporate samples from an obscure advert.
Down below are this months challenge submissions. If you would like to submit a piece of creative work for this months challenge contact us! Please note that submissions close for September 2020's challenge at the end of September (no shit Sherlock)
Introducing the product of the future! STICKY POCKET TM!
Ever look at something and go "That person/clothing/object/dog would be so much better if it had a pocket?" WELL NOW IT CAN with Sticky Pocket TM! Just slap that person/ clothing/ object/ dog with our patented Sticky Pocket TM and BAM that person/ clothing/ object/ dog now has a perfect pocket! It's so easy even a baby can do it (Children under 6 should not be left unsupervised when using Sticky Pocket TM as it is a choking hazard and the child may apply the product to something ridiculous like a cat) Stick whatever you like in it. Now for a limited time only when you order one Sticky Pocket TM at £49.99 you get a second one completely free! THAT's TWO POCKETS AT THE PRICE OF ONE! You can slap a Pocket on a Pocket!
*Tape sold separately
Created by Francesco Giannotta
ALL CLEAR Toothpaste
Hate having that gross multiple teeth look? Always getting rude comments on how you have many teeth? Wish you could just look like all your favourite cartoon stars? WELL NOW YOU CAN! With ALL CLEAR Toothpaste your multiple teeth will quickly transform into that spotless clear one tooth look! Everyone will ask what your secret is!
Created by Nidhi Keluskar
So you want to get into that gritty gross R rated horror film but your mom says that you can't as it will give you nightmares? You would sneak in like all the cool kids are doing at school but there is only one problem, you are a big looser with no friends. How are you supposed to look taller with no ones shoulders to stand on? Well you petulant lonely child, the One Kid ADULT-INATOR Kit solves all your problems!
The kit comes with all you need to look like a REAL Adult!
One adult size trench coat & real adult hat
Far reach arm extenders so you can grab that movie ticket and adult size candy bar and popcorn!
Reinforced leg extenders with real adult boots
Put all this on and BOOM you are a real life ADULT! Guaranteed to fool all adults and grant you automatic entry into all adult places!
Created by Szymon Kwinto
Made by Rowan Mathews
Enjoy these smooth beats even if you find your self having a mighty busy time
Made by Henry Kowalik
NO NO darling DON'T blow your top.... just enjoy some nice music instead!